Sale price Price $12.25 Regular price

 As much as I dislike having to do this. I have to abide by my own contract. Please don't take this personal as this is strictly business.

The payment requested is for the remaining amount owed for the Heather Gray Harem Joggers (at full retail). 

Tracking number- 9400109699938992917136

Invoice #01083038

Payment Complete for 3 items: 10/20 (included CREW Discount)

Shipping Label Created: 11/26 - Arrived : 12/04

5 Photos for 2 items was received via email 01/26

Photos for Heather Gray Harem Joggers have not been received as of 02/11

PLEASE pay your invoice promptly. Thank you.


Initial Statement that was agreed upon down below. 

**Please take into consideration that if you do not abide by the contract terms and/or do not send photos within the stated time frame (one week of receiving) without any communication or approved arrangements, you will be responsible and invoiced for the FULL RETAIL amount of the garments sent.** This includes custom orders.**